Tips for Avoiding Cold Sores During the Holidays

With all of the shopping to do, food to eat and family gatherings to attend, the holidays can be a crazy time. The last thing you want to worry about is a cold sore breakout! To help minimize your chances of getting a cold sore this holiday season, here are a few tips...

The Worst Times To Get a Cold Sore

While there’s never an ideal time for a cold sore to pop up, there are certain times in life when the presence of a fresh cold sore on your lip may make you want to lock yourself in your bedroom and cry: 10 of the Worst Times to Get a Cold Sore The day of a flight The...

5 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Lips

You use your lips on a daily basis to help perform a variety of tasks, yet how much do you really know about them? Below are a few interesting facts about lips you probably didn’t know! 5 Surprising Facts About Lips   The reddish color of your lips is caused by...